Good News

This is your place. Your own special secret corner of the world. Come here and join us for a moment, perhaps before you start your day or after you’ve slayed your daily dragons and are looking for a haven where you can take off the armor. Be inspired, amused, or just observe. Let’s just breathe together, then get up and be renewed to go off and do something wonderful! We’re glad you visited. Welcome.

Be Good News.

…I wish I knew who said “Be Good News” to me, but it resonates.

Let’s take today to be people who bring warmth and love to others. Let’s be their good news. When they see us coming, let’s smile and acknowledge their humanity. Show love. Be a strong branch for them to lean on. Provide shade from evil, sun for hope, and laughter to give them strength.

Bookmark if you’d like and come visit more often. Because YOU are our good news.

Sun for warmth. (Kansas wheat fields by Cirina Catania)
Sun for warmth. (Kansas wheat fields by Cirina Catania)