Who Knew? Des Moines Cheese Festival Delights (Pass the bread, please)
Who loves cheese? We love cheese!
And we are delighted to learn there is an American Cheese Society non-profit dedicated to providing the “cheese community with educational resources and networking opportunities, while encouraging the highest standards of cheesemaking focused on safety and sustainability.”
Cornell University’s Dr. Frank Kosikowsky founded the organization in 1983 and the group took off, joining “small-scale and home cheesemakers, retailers, academics and cheese enthusiasts.” The annual conference and competition takes place in Des Moines, Iowa and is attended by 1,200 cheese and specialty food professionals.
A nod to your cheese elevates you to world-class status, so competition is friendly but fierce and standards even higher. Last year, the Best in Show honors went to Celtic Blue Reserve, Glengarry Fine Cheese, Ontario
Photo: Misa Me Photography
Photo: Misa Me Photography
Deadline for submission of competition entries is May 20th. Visit the site here.
Among other requirements, your cheese must be made in North, Central, or South America from North, Central, or South American milk sources only.
Full conference schedule (taking place July 27 thru July 30) may be found here.
Pass the bread please.
Members of the 2016/2017 Judging and Competition Committee include:
Chair: John Antonelli, Antonelli’s Cheese Shop
Vice-Chair & Board Liaison: Stephanie Clark, Ph.D., Iowa State University
Immediate Past Chair: Tom Kooiman, Carman Ranch
Members at large:
Patrick Bleck, ACS CCP, DPI Specialty Foods
Matt Bonano, Brooklyn South Cheese
Craig Gile, ACS CCP, Cabot Creamery Cooperative
John Greeley, Gourmet Foods International
David Grotenstein, Food and Image
Kirsten Hindes, ACS CCP, Gourmet Foods International
Rachel Perez, French Cheese Club
Julia Powers, ACS CCP, McKenna Marketing
Rich Rogers, ACS CCP, Scardello
Karen & Richard Silverston
ACS Staff Liaisons: Michelle Lee, Programs & Operations Director and Eliza Wetherill, Office & Programs Coordinator